About Us

Human Rights Vision Foundation is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization on human rights protection registered in 2017 in accordance with the Kingdom of the Netherlands law. We do not belong to any political party, do not represent anybody’s economic interest and do not follow any religious ideology.

“We must never relinquish the vision of a humane society and a humane world.”
~ Kjell Magne Bondevik

Our aim is to

Protect fundamental rights and freedoms of human being in accordance with declared and accepted principles of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

What we do?

  • gathering, analysis and presentation of information on violations of human rights to international community;
  • provision of legal assistance to political prisoners on free of charge basis;
  • protection of rights of asylums and labour migrants;
  • conduction of investigations and preparation of reports on corruption mechanisms;
  • fighting against tortures;
  • fighting for freedom of speech and religion;
  • advocacy of supremacy of law on human rights.


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