Daily Archives: Feb 18, 2025


The hero of our time… in the dungeons of a Tajik...

History knows many heroes who lived at different times. We look at them, we admire their courage and bravery, we are inspired by their actions, and we take an example from them and want to be like them. Who are they, these heroes, and why do they leave an...

Lawyers day without lawyers.

May 26 is celebrated in Tajikistan as the day of the Bar Association. In this regard, we want to congratulate all representatives of this profession on a professional holiday. We wish you success and victories in the provision of qualified legal assistance to individuals and legal entities to protect...

Joint Statement Urging Poland to Stop Deportation of Tajik Activist

We, the undersigned, urge Poland to halt deportation of Khabibullo TESHAEV, the Tajik activist and Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) member and his family to Tajikistan, where they would be subjected to torture and imprisonment. Mr. Khabibullo Teshaev (date of birth 1985-01-09), his wife and 5 children are nowadays...